Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the beauty of haiti

This morning we woke up to a big beautiful breakfast. Together we enjoyed the avocados, eggs, and fresh mangoes!  We put on our swimsuits and packed our bags with tons of sunscreen and extra clothes. We jumped into the tap tap and headed to Grace Village where we picked up some of the Haitian workers.  We had a few gaps in our schedule so we were blessed with a beach day to share with the staff who work for Healing Haiti.  While we were driving, we past many towns and civilizations.  This was a little glimpse of what is to come the rest of the trip.  We passed the little tarp houses, and we passed the many vendors selling their goods on the street.  Today every ones eyes were opened to the beauty of this country.  The beautiful turquoise water and white sand, the mountains and hills in the distance and the glowing smiles coming from the people as we drive by.  It's really moving to see such joy come from the children and people here, they have so much love.  I am so excited for the rest of this trip, I can already tell how powerful and eye-opening this all will be.
 -Cadrian Axelson

Today I was really impressed by all the beautiful things Haiti has to offer. We could see as we were flying yesterday the crystal clear water, but we didn't realize the true color until we arrived at the beach. As we rushed in, we noticed how that even when we were swimming out deep, we could still see the very bottom! Then all of the girls and some of the parents decided to go snorkeling out in the reefs. The coral was so interesting and we loved to see God's handiwork in the depths of the sea. Some people were even lucky enough to see a squid! We could also see His perfection in the weather. Yesterday we were stuck in a perfect blizzard, today, it was 90 and sunny. I personally saw God today through the people here. Even in their desperation, they were able to laugh and smile. As we stopped at Grace Village, we saw all of the joy and exuberance of the children, even though they have nothing, no family, home, or belongings. I was truly delighted to see God work through nature and His Haitian children today.
-Kylie Monson

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