Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My word for today was BEAUTIFUL!  How else could I describe the children of Haiti?  There was a moment at our second stop delivering water in city soleil when I was holding a small girl in my arms.  She had these beautiful brown eyes and hair that was all done up in pink barettes and ribbons.  She kept touching my face, neck, and hair.  She would smile and wrap her little arms around my neck.  I held her for a very long time and if I tried to set her down to help with the water she would cry and latch on to me tighter.  At one moment another little girl in this blue dress came running up to me smiling with perfect white teeth and big brown eyes surrounded by these long eye lashes.  My first thought was how beautiful she is... She had on cute black shoes with stockings that were framed in blue ribbon at the top and ribbons were braided into her hair.  "Porte Mai" she said to me which means pick me up.  I somehow managed to bend down and take her into my other arm. So there I stood with two perfect angels in my arms feeling overwelmed as they hugged me and held my face or neck.  I felt like I wasn't doing my part to haul and distribute buckets of water truck, but then I realized that this was my small part.  I could love on these little girls and show them affection just by holding them and smiling into their eyes.  I don't know their story or what life is really like for them, but someone took the time to dress them up pretty and put those ribbons in their hair.  I pray and hope that my kindness made an impact on them just as I know that their little faces will always be remembered by me.  My little angel blessings!

Written by Sara Luther

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